Saturday, August 12, 2017

Common Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words

The English language has its roots in several languages, including Greek, Latin, and older forms of English, German, and French. Learning to recognize common roots and affixes (prefixes and suffixes) will help you build your vocabulary and improve your ability to make educated guesses about unknown words you encounter in reading and test-taking situations. Good dictionaries will give you information about the origins of words. Whenever you look up a new word, make a point of reading this information. Some of the roots and affixes that appear in a large number of words. Learning these will enhance your ability to comprehend course readings and learn new terminology.

a, anwithout, notasexual, amoral, anarchy, anhydrous, Anabaptist, anachronism
ab, abs, aapart, away fromabnormal, abduct, abductor (muscle), abscission .See ad in Prefixes,
adtowardadhere, adductor (muscle) . See ab in Prefixessection), adumbrate
agereactagent, agency, agenda
amphi, ambiround, both sidesamphitheater, amphibian, ambidextrous, ambivalent
antebeforeantedate, anteroom, antecedent, anterior
anthromananthropology, anthropomorphic
antiagainstantipathy, antitank, anticlimax
aquawateraquarium, aqueous
archaiosancientarcheology, archetype, archaic, archeozoic
archosleader, first, chiefmonarchy, oligarchy, anarchy, archetype, architect
audiohearaudiophile, audiometer, auditory
autoselfautomatic, automaton, auto-immune
bitwobi-partisan, bisexual, biennial, binary, bicuspid, bivalve
benewell, favorablebenefit, benevolent, benefactor, beneficent
biblebookbibliography, Bible, bibliophile
biolifebiology, biography, bio-active
cidekillhomicide, parricide, germicidal, ecocide
circumaroundcircumference, circumlocution, circumnavigate
constitutusstandconstitution, statute
corpusbodycorpse, corporeal punishment, corpus callosum
cracyruledemocracy, theocrat, technocracy
credobeliefcredit, (see also roots section)
demospeopledemocracy, demographic
ditwo, doubledimorphism, dicotyledon, diatomic
diaacross, throughdiagonal, dialectic, dialogue, diagnosis
disnot, apartdisperse, disinherit, disenfranchise, distend
dominuslorddominant, dominion
dynasthaibe abledynamic, dynamo, dynasty, dynamite
egoI, selfego, egomaniac, egocentric,
epiupon, overepidermis, epidemic, epigram, epitaph, epithet, epiphyte, epistasis, epinephrine, epiphysis
exoutexotic, exterior, extraneous, extemporaneous, exophalmic, exogenous, exothermic, exoskeleton
federis (see also Rootssection)league, pactfederation, confederate
fraterbrotherfraternize, fraternity, fraternal, fratricide
geoearthgeology, geography, geocentric, geomancy
graph (see also Roots section)write, recordgraphic, graphite, graphology,
heteromixed, unlikeheterogeneous, heterosexual, heterodox, heterodont, hetero atom, heterocyclic, heterozygous,
homosame, alikehomogeneous, homogenized, homozygous, homolytic fission, Homo sapiens, homonid, homeostasis
idemthe sameidentity, idiopathic, I, individual
ideoideaideology, ideation, ideal
idiosone's ownidiom, idiosyncrasy, idiopathic
ininincarcerate, incorporate, inculcate, induction, inductance, indigenous, indicator, inspiration
in, imnotincredible, ignoble, inglorious, inhospitable, infinite, infinitesimal, immoral
interbetweeninteract, interstellar, interpret, interstitial
legis (lex)lawlegal, legislature
lexiswordlexicon, lexicography
liberfree, bookliberty, library, liberal
locusplacelocality, local, circumlocution
macrolargemacroeconomics, macroscopic, macrophage
mania (see Roots section also)obsessionmaniac, Beatlemania
meter (see Roots section also)measuremetronome, speedometer, odometer
microsmallmicroscope, micron, micrometer, microorganism
mittere, mitto (see Rootssection also)sendmission, transmit, remit
monoone, singlemonocle, monopoly, monogamy, monovalent, monomania, monarchy
mortisdeathmortician, mortuary, moribund, morbid
nomennamenoble, ignominy, nomenclature, nominal
oligfewoligarchy, oligopoly
paterfatherpaternal, paternity, patricide
ped (see Roots section also)footpedestrian, pedal, pedicure, podiatrist
periaroundperipatetic, periscope, perineum, peritoneum
phage (see Roots section also)eatphagocyte, phagocytosis
philolovephilosophy, philanthropy
phobos (see Roots section)
phon (see Roots section)
polis (see Roots section also)citypolitical, metropolitan
poly (see Roots section also)manypolygamy, polyphonic, hoi polloi
portocarryporter, export
postafterpost script (p.s.), ex post facto, post hoc, post-mortem
prebeforepremier, preview, premium, prescient
probefore, in favor ofproject, projectile,
psychemind, soulpsychology
publicuspeoplepublic, republic, pub, publican
scopeexaminemicroscope, oscilloscope
scribo (see Roots section also)writetranscribe, scribe, script
solusalonesolo, solitary
subterunder, secretsubterfuge, subtle, subaltern, subterranean
sin (sys before b, p, or m)together, withsynchronize, symphony, sympathy, syncretic, syncope
teledistancetelegraph, telephone, teleology
transacrosstransport, transcend, transmogrify
utilisusefulutility, utilitarian
vide, visibil, visseevideo, vision, visible

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